Keep your lymphatic system flushed for better immune function

I’m a big fan of taking care of your lymphatic system, and its importance right now might be greater than you think. The lymphatic system is part of immune system.

You hear less about the lymphatic system than say, the cardiovascular system, because of the difficulty doing research on it. However, it is equally important. In fact, think of it as a vital part of the circulatory system. A congestion or sluggishness in the lymphatic system makes you feel stiff, make your feet feel sore, makes your brain foggy.

Unlike the cardiovascular system, which has the heart, the lymphatic system does not have a central pump. Instead, it flushes through movement. So moving your body (which we are doing 12% less during the lock-down) is one way to move lymph.

Besides movement, here are my top 3 lymphatic system care techniques. Enjoy and share this info!:

  1. Dry brushing BEFORE bed at night (demo starts at 1:00 min in):

2. Chi gong immune boost (the swing of the arms, the swing of the torso, and the tap all work together to move fluid).

3. Liquid chlorophyll: use dropper and add one or two dropperfuls into water

liquid chlorophyll.png